Useful information
Simply Pizza outdoor wood-fired pizza oven: technical characteristics.
Adaptable to many environments thanks to its compact design (92 cm base x 76 cm depth) Simply Pizza is an outdoor wood-fired pizza oven, built entirely in stainless steel to allow rapid heating times and a less use of wood.
It reaches cooking temperature in less than twenty minutes and allows you to cook four pizzas at a time.
Simply Pizza maintains a constant level of heat for thirty minutes, the time needed for at least five batches. By keeping the oven powered you can continue cooking for the desired duration.
It can comfortably cook four medium-sized pizzas per batch, with a cooking time of approximately three minutes.
Simply Pizza is equipped with:
- Hob made of replaceable refractory bricks;
- Internal metal sheet to contain the embers;
- Chimney smokes equipped with a register to regulate the draft;
- Stainless steel door with 2 wooden handles to allow handling without burns’ risk;
- A manual lever that allows you to regulate the air draft and increase cooking performance and precision;
- A thermometer to monitor the internal temperature.